Digital workplace

Technology is changing the way we work, think and behave.
By introducing Tom PIT.connected, you will also automatically introduce digital workplaces.

What is a digital workplace?

The digital workplace combines employee work processes into a single ecosystem that is tailored to each employee individually. The goal of such workplaces is to facilitate access to information and improve communication.

The agile methodology enables the orientation of information towards users. Instead of users requesting and searching for information themselves, information of interest is automatically delivered to their digital workplace.


Information is accessible from any device, anytime and from anywhere. Literally. In fact, users don't even have to search for information, as the information finds them when it is created.


By introducing digital workplaces, you will dramatically increase employee efficiency and improve their overall satisfaction.


With digital jobs, you will increase responsiveness both within the company as well as in your relationships with your customers and the market.

Everything ready

By using Tom PIT.connected, you are actually introducing digital jobs, as Tom PIT combines processes and communication channels into a single system that provides users with all the information they need for their daily work.

Start your digital transformation today

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